This stunning lady has certainly done one thing right her whole life. She has produced some lovely, clever babies. And she’s due to bring another one into the world again in August. But that is it for her. No more foals for this poor girl who has just been used as a machine for her whole life.
No one has even bothered to handle this girl, to give her a good head start or to set her up for success in the event something went wrong. She’s is calm and settled around us but she is not handled (well, we can pat her) and given her heavy condition we are not pushing or stressing her.
The ideal home for Chanel would be one with horse humans experienced in foaling and managing young stock, but who also has a long term plan for Chanel in their home. We expect she is only around 8yo and she pushes the measure around 13.2h.
Chanel will be protected by the Horse Welfare Inc contract preventing any further breeding or on-selling. With the right handler and home she will make a great kids pony down the track.